Open Hamilton
An open data policy would improve government transparency, accountability and efficiency in Hamilton County.
An open data policy would improve government transparency, accountability and efficiency in Hamilton County.
The Metro Ideas Project examined more than a dozen local, state and federal datasets to answer a simple question: How much does it cost to educate a student in Hamilton County, Tennessee? The answer has important implications for elected officials, educators and the general public.
An open data policy would improve transparency, accountability and efficiency in Hamilton County’s government.
San Mateo County takes open data seriously.
Nashville shows how to sustain an open data initiative after an election.
Baton Rouge took open data lessons from other cities to heart.
Three Hamilton County principals answer our questions on school funding, community engagement and school needs.
Recommendations to help Hamilton County equitably fund schools, foster collaboration and communicate with the public.
School-level spending helps us understand if resources are being equitably distributed. We look at per-student spending in Hamilton County public schools.
The Hamilton County school system spends most of its budget on teachers, principals and support staff. We break down the numbers by school.
It costs around $400 million to operate the public school system in Hamilton County, Tennessee. We explore where the money comes from.
Our series on education spending will examine the per pupil expenditure for each public school in Hamilton County, Tennessee. There are four reasons those spending levels are important to know.
We revisit American Community Survey data to look at education in 441 midsize U.S. cities.
We dive into the American Community Survey, a key data source for policymakers, planners and the public seeking to understand economic and social trends.