Build Your School Budget
Our tax calculator breaks down how changes to the Hamilton County school system would impact your household budget.
Our tax calculator breaks down how changes to the Hamilton County school system would impact your household budget.
Practical ideas and solutions to confront Hamilton County’s challenges head on.
An analysis of 2013-2017 tax revenue.
Barriers to economic mobility are most acute in the South, where segregation, income inequality, local school quality, and family structure strongly correlate with geographical differences in upward mobility.
Finding the right policy is the first step to curbing crime. We break down several popular options.
An open data policy would improve government transparency, accountability and efficiency in Hamilton County.
The Metro Ideas Project examined more than a dozen local, state and federal datasets to answer a simple question: How much does it cost to educate a student in Hamilton County, Tennessee? The answer has important implications for elected officials, educators and the general public.
Our calculator shows the impact of proposed property tax increases in Chattanooga and Hamilton County.
Voter turnout was once again low in Chattanooga’s recent city election.
Our app demonstrates how tax data can be used to visualize historical property trends by neighborhood.
Find out how much is spent on schools in your district.